A tid bit about moi

I call Farmington, (a small New England town), home.
Drawing has always been a passion of mine. A means to release inner conflict and express emotions that else wise I do not know how to express.
I recently took up photography. I never saw this as an "art form" until one day when I was capturing the snow on a tree out by my window. In the image I saw the beauty and delight that I love so much about New England Winters.
A dear friend of mine got me into creating Gifs (Graphic Interchange Format). I fell in love with this platform. I started making Gifs from all my photos and videos. I began searching online for different editors and special effects. My imagination went wild! This fastly became my "go to" outlet.
Then in late October of 2017, tragedy struck. My health took a turn for the worse. I fell into a depression and began drawing. I found this to be very therapeutic. And I continue this to this day.
My drawings reflect many aspects of my life now. Things I love and those that inspire me.
All my life I have enjoyed the outdoors. There's just something about the air up here. It invigorates and inspires me.
Everywhere I look I see something worth capturing. It doesn't matter if it is the water of my beloved Cocheco River or the fallen leaves that collect raindrops upon the sidewalk. There is always something inspiring to see.